As of Friday, April 30th, Mayor Cantrell announced that New Orleans would evolve the parameters of our Modified Phase 3 of the Reopening Plan for the City of New Orleans. This important milestone has been reached thanks to the success of our local vaccine roll-out, and our continued diligence in keeping to social distancing guidelines. Keep up the good work! You can read more about the specifics of that plan as it pertains to businesses and other city operations here.
As for St. Rita Parish? Well we’ll be more or less ‘business as usual’. Our attendance cap has been lifted entirely, and for as long as the City of New Orleans deems social distancing necessary, we will continue to ask that you wear your facial coverings while in church. We will also livestream our 10:30am Sunday Mass to our Parish Facebook Page, until May 30, 2021.
Thanks to Fr. Patrick’s energy, the sacraments remain as available as ever with the addition of new masses and a robust schedule for Reconciliation. Find the full schedule here:
Also, please continue to review our public gathering plan, as we enter into this Modified Phase 3 there are some small changes:
Those in attendance must wear a face-covering, as detailed by the mayor. We have extra masks handy at in the vestibule should you require one.
Those in attendance also are encouraged to bring lysol wipes and hand sanitizer. The parish has acquired hand sanitizer and wipes for general use.
Households may sit together. All other persons should remain at least 6 feet apart as best as possible. This includes entering and exiting church, as well as in the Communion line.
At this time, we will continue to livestream Masses to Facebook on Sundays at 10:30am until May 30, 2021.
Thank you for all of your hard work these past months! St. Rita Parish continues to be a model of consistency as we do our best to heed the wisdom of our leaders with a spirit of gratitude and obedience. May our worship space continue to persevere as a place of safety, peace, and comfort for all who walk through our doors.